Saturday, November 25, 2006

My life from infancy to the point of becoming saved was positive. I happily grew up in a loving home with wonderful parents and loving sisters. My father was--and still is--the pastor of my church, in addition to working for an international production company. My mom worked in the military, but placed her role as mother and wife FIRST. My sisters were simply the best sisters I could ever ask for.

I was surrounded by the Word of God on a daily basis. Whether it was spoken by my parents, played on the radio or television, given at church or at my Christian school--I heard the Word, okay! J And I loved it! I was also heavily active in church--faithfully attending every Sunday, playing the piano for the youth choir, participating in various programs, etc… I was surrounded by God.

But one Sunday as I sat in church listening to the sermon I felt a warm, glowing feeling inside of me. I heard the pastor speak words of Christ and words of salvation. I also heard the voice of God saying receive Jesus Christ. I wanted it. But like most children I was scared to walk down the church aisle in front of others--especially my friends. After a few weeks of hesitation (and beating myself up), God placed the strongest, burning desire in me to do it. And I did. I walked down the aisle and publicly received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. A few Sundays later I became baptized--and man what a feeling!

As I reflect over my childhood, for the most part I must say, it was very positive. But what gain did having a positive life give me? It may have given me earthly benefits, but what if I had I died before becoming saved? As a child I thought about that--dying before receiving Christ.

Each day that I refused the opportunity of receiving Jesus was a day that I could have died without Him in my life. But my refusal of accepting Christ did not stop me from committing sin. My parents describe me as a good child but I lied, was disobedient, had jealousy, said harmful things to others, was selfish, arrogant, had pride…on and on. Simply and honestly put, I sinned and was a sinner. My sin separated me from God, When I refused to receive Jesus Christ--the bridge that would bring me to God--I was in danger of an eternity of hell fire. I was good while living on earth, but I would not have been good enough to live in heaven. In a way God pointed that out to me the day I became saved.

I praise God because he has saved me through the death, burial, and resurrection of his Son, Jesus Christ. I also praise God that you have this wonderful opportunity to make Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior of your life. If you know you are a sinner…if you want to become cleansed from your sins…if you believe in John 3:16 and Romans 10:9-13...if you are ready to accept Jesus Christ into your life…friend, don’t hesitate. Do it today!

Be Blessed...Today...Tomorrow...Forever! Tawanda

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At Friday, December 08, 2006 9:25:00 PM, Blogger You're a Princess said...

I'm a preacher's kid, too! I got excited reading your blog the first time, because I had just finished writing my own on righteousness! Praise God for His grace! Blessings!

At Monday, March 17, 2008 4:14:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's good stuff :) check out my new post!

At Monday, September 01, 2008 10:47:00 PM, Blogger kmolhusen said...

hey, how have you been? it's been a long time since i've made a post, but i guess it's been awhile for you, too! i'm going to post a new one this week probably. Be blessed!

At Sunday, January 11, 2009 1:57:00 AM, Blogger David Edward said...

praise God for your testimony here


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