Monday, July 10, 2006

What Will Your Week Be Like?

I can't chat long but today is the start to a MARVELOUS week!!! I know what today, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday will be like because I have spoken a powerful, positive word about this week. Rather than dwell on things that could go wrong or look at the week in a negative light, I'll talk about the positives. (Hint: If you believe or vocally profess that things will be bad, guess what will happen?) So friends, don't say, "Today is a typical 'back to work' Monday", change that word baby and say, "Today is MARVELOUS MONDAY!!!" Create your own positive phrases for the rest of the week--let me know what your phrases are, okay!!! :-)
Speaking of positive words...lets get down to business!!! Father God, I pray for the success of those who are reading this prayer. I pray that their week will hold eternal Salvation, guidance, safety, productivity, creativity, security, and gain--all led by You God. In the name of Jesus, I speak health, healing, wellness, wholeness, prosperity, into their lives. May the readers, dear Lord, be bold witnesses for You. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Okay peeps, I gotta go!
Love ya...stay blessed..and have a MARVELOUS ONE!
By the way, church was "OFF THE CHAIN" yesterday!!! From the beginning of service, the church family was filled with the Holy Spirit and ushered Him into the building through prayer and song. AND MAN PEOPLE, Praise God, He was definitely present during the sermon!!! Check out Deuteronomy 5: 1-21 and Psalm 119: 141-145, 160. We were hungry for the WORD OF GOD!!! and boy GOD FED US! I'm stuffed!!! But I want to share the spiritual food with you so you can be full too!! To sum up the message...obey God's Commandments, love your fellow man, and fight to keep the Ten Commandments displayed in schools and public buildings. Do it baby!!! :-)


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